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I just realised I didn't leave a review here yet (because I did so on Tumblr LMAO) BUT EVEN TWO YEARS LATER!!! ILW STILL GOATED!!! MY BELOVED!!!! I HOPE THE TEAM IS DOING WELL <333

Deleted 40 days ago

Which evil ending Judas Kiss depending on your nerve score you have to pick certain choices below 60 keep my footing , Below 80 burn moss there's a walkthrough for the story just Google the name and look for fandom 


I'm really liking the changes that were made I tried this back when you first started and had problems due to my device now I'm able to do it again and I really like that my character can wear a hijab that made me happy as I'm a Muslim woman


thank you SO much for this, team! i've only just started ILW, but the attention to detail and elements of the previous books are an absolute delight. the It Lives series has been my all-time favorite from Choices and it means a LOT to get some kind of closure--and such a well-made one at that

super excited for your original work to come!

I love this game so much! Cheers to the creators! But i have a big problem with the game and i dont know what to do! I started playing this game on my phone one week ago, at the end of every playtrough i save my game data so i could continue playing later. But the next day i try to play all my saved data is gone! I deleted and reinstaled the app but it didn't work! I want to be able to play the game and not have to put skip over so many chapters over and over again everyday...

(3 edits)

My mac won't open the app, because it can't verify the developer. :(

Is there a way to play this game online?


Because the app is unverified, many devices will try to stop you from opening it. But you can override that by simply running it as an administrator and telling it that yes, you do want to open the app when it asks. 

(1 edit) (+1)

It worked, thank you so much for your help. <3


I swear to God, this is one of the best games I ever played!! it literally beats any official choices book, I am so in love with this I got all the different endings and played three separate times just so I could romance the LI's because they're all so great!!!

the work put into this game is surreal, the story is super well-developed and interesting, the mechanics work perfectly and are very involving (because your choices actually matter) and everything is just perfect, I love that you can save your progress and replay the scenes you like, the characters are gorgeous and deep, I also love the different body types for the MC (and the possibility to be trans or even wear a Hijab)

Super recommend!! 

p.s.: I got the Abel shadow ending and I still haven't gotten over it, I literally cried my eyes out, I love that man so much I will never forget him

(1 edit) (+5)

hooooooly shit. the different endings you can get in this game are absolutely fantastic. definitely try as many as you possibly can. please. the freedom is delicious. im still working on getting all the endings but WOW... now i want to replay the entire series.

absolutely ADORE this game series and i thank you very very much for giving us all some closure with this game.

also i will die for abel he's precious


Wdym no auto save???? There is! The game auto saves at every choice.

having some minor issues, well... somewhat minor, app refuses to start, nothing happends ( windows 11), so i tried to use the apk on an android emulator, no luck there either.. so uh


I'm a little late to the party here, but... wow, that was amazing. Thank you to everyone involved in this for making and sharing it with the rest of us. The love and creativity poured into this was plain to see, binged the whole thing in a couple of days 💙I'll definitely be keeping an eye on any future original projects from the people involved!

I cant download it at all. It keeps saying forbidden and I've been trying for almost an hour. I'm on andriod


Hey @It Lives Within, do you guys have an Email? Because, I'd love to get in touch with you guys with an upcoming project idea I have in mind; Queen B, Book 3. I've already told another community about it and they're interested but I just need someone to pick up on it and I thought about you guys with this wonderful project/story! 

Here lmk what ya think;

I was curious to as if Pixelberry is gonna release Queen B book 3, because to be fair when fans actually want to continue books (especially books that are left of cliffhangers) such as Hero Vol. 1, and ofc Queen B book 3 (what a rushed ending..) but I’ve come to terms that PB has Cancelled QB3 and decided to continue recycling by giving us NA3 & overused MC characters. And I’ve found out that others want a book 3 as well. So I’ve decided to ask

Is anyone gonna work on a QB3 Project like; It Lives Within? If so I have an small idea about it.

Bea and Poppy are big influencers

Zoey’s Career as a DJ is skyrocketing as she drops major hits

The Professor..well is still a professor but tries to enjoy himself/herself.

Everything is going smoothly, Poppy and Bea are friend-emies (if you’ve kissed poppy: -after their short and quick kiss) -but emotions change quickly after a ((Big Celebrity)) decides to send out an invitation to be an Guest Starring in her/his show and the invitees would have to compete and wow their viewers as being “influencers”. 10 rounds, Cash Money, Competitive Guests, and and spot to work along the side with ((Big Celebrity))?? Sounds like an easy Win. But ofc the (gorgeous) devil herself is there as well.. opening old wounds. Because why stop at one college when you could rule the world?

 Email me or Shoot me a Text! :)

(225) - 916 - 1557


Under 48 hours I've gotten 405 views with an 90% upvote rate, on my previous comment that I've just posted from/to another community; again I just need someone to pick up on it. :)


Thank you for your interest and reaching out to us, but we won't be doing any further sequel projects. All future projects will be fully original works by members on the team.

Thanks for understanding! 



Wait... Are you?? Is this... But I thought... ??!?!?!?!??


Hey there, i just wanted to thank you all for this AMAZING journey, you have no idea how special this game became to me, being a fan of the original it lives series i was just so heartbroken to hear it being abandoned by PB, but you guys not only brought it back to life, but absolutely hit it out of the park with the creative, brilliant, respectful and inclusive writing, congratulations to every single person involved in the project, you all made me very happy, i just couldn't stop smiling seeing the story coming to conclusion, i also felt a bit sad seeing it end, but you guys gave a satisfying ending to this series i couldn't even dream about getting. Y'all are VERY talented people, and if you ever decide to write another project, being it horror or not, know you will have my full support. Again, thank you so much. :)


I’m trying to download on ios, but I’m having trouble. Can someone help me?


unfortunately there's no IOS build for this because of the way that apple controls their apps


Correct, the game is only available on mac, PC, and android for this reason.


Hello! First of all, I wanted to thank you for the amazing work you did on the It Lives project! I enjoyed it from start to finish, it all felt very professional and even better than many official Choices books.
Secondly, I wanted to ask if you had any copyright issues or had to ask Pixelberry for some kind of permission? I'm curious because I'm making my own version of another visual novel, so I want to be on the safe side. Thanks!


I really enjoyed all the it lives stories and this one being written by fans and produced I love it just as much! That being said no matter what choices I made at the end I don't know how to do this without giving away a spoiler but all of my decisions still came to the same ending. I want one where I can find a better happiness that would be like a real life type of happiness if you guys get my meaning I'm not sure what I missed in the story that would have made it different because I did try all the options and saved it each time differently so that I could make those changes and I still came up with the same ending. Am I missing something? I myself was not happy with the ending. Left me sad.


The writing in this is just beautiful. It's clear you guys put lots of love into this game and I can see that you loved the original Choices books very much.

I've played through the game twice now with multiple deviations in choices for each playthrough (and I'm starting on my third playthrough just to experience it with a female MC). The sheer number of variations in the narrative is staggering. The MC creation process is so sensitive and inclusive with all the gender options and the hijab option, which I would've loved to see in Choices. And without spoilering it for anyone, I love how the game accounts for whomever lives or dies and what you can choose close to the ending. I even felt achingly sad during a few moments. There's even so much detail devoted to the choices you can make in the sex scenes. I also loved that there are consequences for romancing more than two characters at once (which I couldn't follow through with lol poor Abel-- I just had to reload an old save). 

Thank you so much for creating this! You guys did an amazing job. It was a passion project that you did for free, but this blows so many non-free videogames out of the water.

(3 edits) (+5)

While I still like the originals best , this one was a really good read. Though there were a few things throughout the story I wish would have been different and a few unanswered questioned (that may have been answered in a different ending route), It's a very creative story. It has many great music choices,  a wide variety of customization options for our MC and good artwork. I also enjoyed, for the most part, seeing the old characters from the previous stories and was surprised by (and happy about)  an ending route that allowed the MC to "minor spoiler*




join the bad guy. That part in particular definitely makes this story stand out from others like it. Choices had seemed to be going in a similar direction in one of their series, unfortunately that series never saw a third book either. There was a couple minor things I would have liked done different in that route but overall it was really enjoyable. I appreciate that the authors gave us that choice (though I had to ask around a bit to get it).  I probably won't read all the endings but it's nice to have multiple ones to explore if the reader wishes to.


I leave my message here because I don't have a tumblr. I just want to say that I loved this project very much! It made me very happy to read a continuation of my favorite books sooo well done. I thank the whole team that was behind this <3

About the ending:


I loved the ending where we decide to stay as a human, living with my precious Lincoln and being happy <3 I also loved the ending between MC and Conor, they're going to be marrieeeeeed aaaaaah

I also read the ending where we sacrificed ourselves to save the world and it broke my heart, I couldn't stop crying, so I didn't dare to read worse endings, for my emotional stability.

Thank you very much and hopefully in the future you will write another story, either fanmade or your own, and if not, it was nice while it lasted, love you guys!!!

That's strange when I chose for her to be human as well and take Riley's Spirit into her as well I didn't end up getting to be with Lincoln I still ended up getting stabbed! That being said I got stabbed every time!  Yours is the ending I wanted. Where did I go wrong?! LOL


I have a mac and i've downloaded it but it keeps telling me it can't download because it isn't sure on the application, any ideas?

Command click and say open, and it should allow you to verify that you want to open it. 


This was amazing thank you soooo much for making this 


why can't I open  it after update ?


Are you still having issues getting the game to open? What device are you playing on?

I had to reinstall it and now it works. I almost finished Jocelyn's and Amalia's routes, and it's magnificent. Thanks for the work you've done!

Is her face supposed to be like this or is it a bug? 👀

Absolutely in love with what you all have done so far, can't wait for the conclusion! ❤️


I love the story so far the characters are well written and the story feels just like the former books.

(1 edit)

To play this do i just download one of the boxes?

Edit: it doesn't work on my computer.


Make sure you download the right version. If you have Mac, get the Mac version, if you have PC, get the PC version. Just open it once it downloads and open the app icon. If it won’t let you open, just open as administrator.

Thanks i just ended up downloading on my phone.

Where are the last few. Chapters gonna be released

I have the same question I saw on instagram that they posted dates when they should come out But they probably have a problem  We have to wait 

I have a little problem after ch20 does not want to go further I updated the game but still does not want further than ch20 is there any solution thanks .. 

There are currently no more chapters released, chapter 21 does not have a confirmed release date yet:)

Ouu sry but ty

Hello. Is there a version to play this on an iPad? Thanx.

Due to complications surrounding Apple requiring apps to be distributed through the App Store, it isn’t available on Apple devices. I’m sorry! 

Ah! No worries. Thank you.

H! The issue is with not being to download chapter 20 is still not fixed. It can't read property build of the files. The symbols that specify the files meant for mac and pc do not appear beside the files as they usually do. I'm really no expert but my idea is that the error is caused by not specifying the "property build" of the files. I just hope it is fixed with the next update/chapter so I can continue playing this amazing game! Thank you for everything you do:)


I’m sorry you’re having this issue. I’ll pass this onto our programmers and see if we can determine what’s causing this!


Thank you so much, it is fixed now!

Hello! For some reason I can't seem to download chapter 20, nothing is wrong with my internet but I get an error message when I try. "Cannot read property 'build' of undefined" or something. The symbols for mac vs pc files that always appear beside the MB number are also mysteriously gone. Android is there though. Could you please look in to this? Anyone have a solution? Thank you so much in advance!


Oh,  that sucks if you're still having problems.  Usually when I have  a  problem similar to that I'll uninstall the app I have a problem with then reinstall it. But, I wouldn't recommend that here unless you really have to.  When I did that for this story app I lost all my saved data. Clearing cache's might help. I hope you get help soon if you haven't yet 


I love it can you possibly do wake the dead book 2 ?

Hey, how does updating for Android work? I've only ever downloaded stuff from Itch IO for PC, where updating and transferring saves is a lot more straightforward. But since this is meant to be a continuation of a story on a mobile app, I downloaded the Android version instead.  


I have the game downloaded on my Android too. After every new chapter you'll need to download again. Do not uninstall your current download. I learned from experience, you will lose your saved data doing so. Come back to this screen, download again, install again and everything should be updated and saved files should be there 


Awesome, thanks!

You're welcome

Wow I got the Sea Food Buffet achievement lol

I caught that Tally Ho! reference, dont think I didnt lol


absolutely in love with this project. mad respect for the people involved in making this masterpiece. all of you just singlehandedly brought the choices pb team to shame– as you should.


Honestly one of the best stories I've ever read, and an even better book3 for the ITW series. The team is doing the lords work tbh, and it's amazing and I'm so grateful. I was so sad that the series was cancelled, but this is better than any book 3 I could imagine. It's written beautifully, I'm so invested in the characters, and the plot, and the returning characters all are so distinctive and true to the original 2 books. Thank you so much to the team!! Also *Spoilers*

Thank you so much to the team for letting me live my dream of the wood's mc finally getting to romance Noah. Best day of my life, you guys are literally the best. I've always wanted my mc to get with him. I also heard your woods mc can romance Dan too? If true that's just, you guys are just giving us everything we've ever wanted. I don't think I can put into words how much I appreciate you guys! 

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